ホーム : ブラウズ : 設定ファイル
ファイル拡張子 | ファイルの種類 |
.ICC | ICC Profile |
.CONF | Unix Configuration File |
.PDP | Palo Alto Software Plan Component File |
.ACB | Adobe Photoshop Color Book File |
.WFP | Wondershare Filmora Project File |
.CFG | Configuration File |
.CDT | CorelDRAW Image Template |
.KYS | Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts File |
.ACBL | Adobe Color Book Legacy File |
.VSSETTINGS | Visual Studio Settings File |
.EPR | Photoshop AME Preset File |
.MNU | AutoCAD Interface Layout File |
.PSF | Photoshop Proof Settings File |
.DCP | Adobe DNG Camera Profile |
.AST | Adobe Color Separations Table |
.ACROBATSECURITYSETTINGS | Adobe Acrobat Security Settings File |
.CST | Canvas Custom Set File |
.SBX | Adobe Illustrator Tsume File |
.RDF | Resource Description Framework File |
.JDF | Adobe Acrobat Job Definition File |
.FLT | Vue Filters File |
.ACRODATA | Acrobat Data File |
.TPL | Adobe Photoshop Tool Presets File |
.TMTHEME | TextMate Theme File |
.VIM | Vim Settings File |
.LCC | Capture One Lens Cast Correction File |
.LNST | Adobe InDesign Line Presets File |
.LRTEMPLATE | Adobe Lightroom Template |
.LRSMCOL | Adobe Lightroom Smart Collection Settings File |
.LIGHTINGLIBRARY | Painter Lighting Presets Library |
.LOOK | SpeedGrade Look File |
.SPFX | Squeeze Presets File |
.SCPRESETS | Snap Converter Presets File |
.AIT | Adobe Illustrator Template |
.API | Adobe Photoshop Inks File |
.THEMEPACK | Windows 7 Theme Pack |
.OSDX | Search Connector Description File |
.EMMT | MindMaple Map Template |
.CVA | HP System Software Manager Information File |
.ICM | Image Color Matching Profile |
.XCSCHEME | Xcode Scheme File |
.MYCOLORS | Stardock MyColors Theme File |
.NKP | Kontakt Presets File |
.MDP | Visual C++ 5 Workspace File |
.MAGIWOL | MagiWOL File |
.PDFS | Adobe PDF Presets File |
.ICST | InCopy Document Preset File |
.ACS3 | AIMP Skin File |
.IDPP | Adobe InDesign Preflight Profile |
.QPX | Quattro Pro QuickColumn Settings File |
.ANIMEACTION | Anime Studio Action Document |
.RTS | Royal TS Remote Connection File |
.SHH | Adobe Photoshop Shadow/Highlight Settings file |
.WZCONFIG | WinZip Configuration File |
.WVE | Wondershare Filmora Project File |
.RCT | Visual Studio Resource Template |
.DSF | Dramatica Pro Project |
.IRS | Adobe Save For Web Settings |
.TERMINAL | Terminal Settings File |
.IROS | Adobe Save For Web Settings File |
.KSF | KMPlayer Skin File |
.FAVORITEMETADATA | Transmit Favorites Data File |
.PLIST | Mac OS X Property List File |
.PKG | Symbian Package File |
.PROPERTIES | Java Properties File |
.ASL | Photoshop Style |
.ALV | Adobe Photoshop Levels File |
.ACV | Photoshop Curves File |
.AMP | Adobe Photoshop Curves Map File |
.FXP | FX Preset File |
.FXB | FX Bank File |
.MOHOBRUSH | Moho Action Document |
.UTZ | UIQ Theme Package |
.BSXP | BimSens Project Configuration File |
.PS1XML | Windows PowerShell Display Configuration File |
.CUS | AutoCAD Custom Dictionary File |
.INMS | Adobe InDesign Menu Set File |
.PTG | PowerTeacher Gradebook Configuration File |
.FST | FL Studio State File |
.CSAPLAN | SPSS Analysis Plan File |
.ACB | AutoCAD Color Book File |
.VMC | Windows Virtual Machine Configuration File |
.BKS | NTBackup Settings File |
.AXT | Adobe Photoshop Extract File |
.DR5 | Dramatica Story Expert Project |
.ANIMEBRUSH | Anime Studio Brush Document |
.BLW | Adobe Photoshop Black and White Presets File |
.BTSEARCH | BitTorrent Search Engine File |
.XTP | AutoCAD Exported Tool Palettes File |
.MNS | AutoCAD Interface Settings File |
.PXG | Pixelmator Gradient File |
.FTH | FileMaker Theme File |
.FTH | Foobar2000 Theme File |
.EAP | Adobe Photoshop Exposure File |
.PDADJ | PhotoDirector Preset File |
.GXT | Grand Theft Auto Text File |
.DCL | AutoCAD Dialog Definition File |
.FDC | AutoCAD Field Catalog File |
.FORM | PreForm Job File |
.FVP | File Viewer Plus Batch Presets File |
.CPTM | Captivate Theme File |
.FRR | Mandelbrot Explorer Fractal Region Settings File |
.VMX | VMware Configuration File |
.WCX | RemoteApp and Desktop Connections Configuration File |
.SGT | SPSS Chart Template |
.COMP | Fusion Composition File |
.C2R | Windows Media Center Click-To-Record File |
.CPS | Captivate Styles File |
.OBI | Outlook RSS Subscription File |
.VIMRC | Vim Runtime Configuration File |
.IAF | Outlook Internet Account File |
.PSPSCRIPT | PaintShop Pro Resource File |
.LOP | MasterCook Layout File |
.STYX | ChordWizard Style |
.LILY | PCSX2 LilyPad Configuration File |
.LAY | Rhino 3D Layer State File |
.LAY | MAME Layout File |
.LXSOPT | Liquid XML Studio Project Options File |
.L4D | Cinema 4D Layout File |
.LAYOUT | Code::Blocks Workspace Layout File |
.OTMU | Origin Unicode Matrix Template |
.STFX | SampleTank Effects Settings File |
.SCONF | Script Settings File |
.ENV | WordPerfect Environment |
.IPYNB | Jupyter Notebook |
.STIP | SampleTank User Preset Instrument |
.LANG | Skype Language File |
.A2THEME | Aston 2 Theme File |
.TCLS | TestComplete Configuration File |
.EYETVP | EyeTV Recording Metadata File |
.ASWCS | Avast! Compressed Skin File |
.SUBLIME-SETTINGS | Sublime Text Settings File |
.XST | WebSphere Query Template |
.X4K | XML4King Configuration File |
.VMPL | VMware Policy File |
.CONF | Generic Configuration File |
.VCOMPS | V-Comp Setup File |
.Q9Q | BladePro Presets File |
.BGI | BgInfo Configuration File |
.OFFICEUI | Microsoft Office UI Customization File |
.OVPN | OpenVPN Configuration File |
.MOEF | Apple Motion Effect Project Template |
.256 | Descent 2 Color Palette File |
.BITPIM | BitPim Configuration File |
.QSS | Qt Style Sheet |
.ZPI | PDF Converter Index File |
.ZON | Collection Building Custom Zone File |
.ZON | OmniPage Zone Template File |
.QAT | Microsoft Office Quick Access Toolbar File |
.WPS | Translator's Workbench Project File |
.QRC | Qt Resource Collection File |
.HPR | Internal RoboHelp File |
.FMP | AutoCAD Font Map File |
.SUBLIME-OPTIONS | Sublime Text Options File |
.WIF | Weaving Interchange Format File |
.NP4 | NetPoint 4 Schedule File |
.MLK | MasterCook Look File |
.UGR | Apophysis Ultra Fractal Gradient File |
.SZ | Winamp Classic Skin Download |
.THE | Microsoft Plus! Theme File |
.FC | FirstClass Settings File |
.SSIS | ProReveal Settings File |
.FBT | ABBYY FineReader Document Options File |
.NVP | NVivo for Windows Project |
.XES | eManager Skins Definition |
.XWK | Crosstalk Communicator Keyboard Mapping File |
.XUR | Xbox 360 Binary User Interface File |
.XEM | eManager Metered Units |
.XPADDERCONTROLLER | Xpadder Controller Profile |
.XPL | LcdStudio Playlist File |
.XTREME | Winstep Xtreme Theme Pack |
.OIS | Origin Analyses Theme File |
.CF | Sendmail Configuration File |
.XUI | Xbox 360 User Interface File |
.VCPREF | Norton Antivirus Preferences File |
.VQC | Virtual CD Quick Copy File |
.EXE4J | Exe4j Configuration File |
.SQD | Configuration Settings File |
.SSS | WindowBlinds Substyle File |
.CM | Cable Modem Configuration File |
.VSW | Visio Workspace File |
.PRO5TEMPLATE | ProPresenter 5 Template |
.OTWU | Origin Unicode Workbook Template |
.VTPR | Studio Store Visualizer Project |
.OMS | HP Printer Substrate Presets Package File |
.RB4 | RobotWorks Parameters File |
.CNF | Telnet Configuration File |
.CNF | MySQL Configuration File |
.RPV | RealPlayer Visualization File |
.OSS | Microsoft Outlook Saved Search File |
.ODT | Origin Dialog Theme File |
.XVM | VMware Console Configuration File |
.AUTOSAVE.CDP | Sony CD Architect Project Autosave File |
.CSKIN | CD Art Display Skin File |
.XGS | XACT Global Settings File |
.GQSX | Microsoft Office SmartArt Styles File |
.SFO | CuteFTP Search File |
.OPTS | Linux Configuration Options File |
.XCU | OpenOffice.org Configuration File |
.OEM | OEM Setup File |
.OPTIONS | SE-SOFT Configuration File |
.OTPU | Origin Unicode Graph Template |
.SL | Software License File |
.UIS | WindowBlinds User Interface Specification |
.MOTR | Apple Motion Transition Project Template |
.XLB | OpenOffice.org Module Information File |
.RHR | Script Rehearser Script File |
.S2ARR | SynthFont2 Arrangement File |
.STD | PROMT Translator Document |
.USERPROFILE | Norton AntiVirus User Profile File |
.TEE | TeeChart Template |
.UCT | UC Browser Theme File |
.SUBLIME-MENU | Sublime Text Menu File |
.USF | EVGA Precision X Skin File |
.RMSKIN | Rainmeter Skin File |
.RFQ | RoboForm SearchCard File |
.VMBA | VMware Configuration File |
.SNX | PISnoop Workspace File |
.TSM | TwinCAT System Manager Configuration File |
.RMS | Java Application Settings File |
.TTS | ToolBook Translation System File |
.SUBLIME-THEME | Sublime Text Theme File |
.MCOLOR | Mine-imator Interface Color File |
.GMW | Global Mapper Workspace File |
.MOTN | Apple Motion Generator Project Template |
.TDF | Title Definition Format File |
.VNI | Dell Webcam Central Application Configuration File |
.TCCFGEXTENDER | TestComplete Project Suite Settings File |
.MPDCONF | Music Player Daemon File |
.PR | Source Insight Project |
.SYNW-PROJ | SynWrite Project |
.GCSX | Microsoft Office SmartArt Color File |
.EYETVSCHED | EyeTV Schedule File |
.RASKINPLACE | Raskin Place Layout File |
.MSH1XML | Monad Display Configuration File |
.RDI | Red Dragon ISecure Settings File |
.DTSCONFIG | SSIS Package Configuration File |
.RDO | Xerox Rawster Document Object File |
.MXSKIN | Maxthon Skin File |
.RPB | Radmin Phonebook File |
.RDW | Real-DRAW Project File |
.RPK | RadLight Media Player Skin |
.RB | Rosebud Profile |
.RDR | Remote Desktop Manager Report Settings File |
.SKIN | InstallShield Skin File |
.PSY | The Psychedelic Screen Saver Settings File |
.WFC | Windows Wireless Network Settings File |
.PCTL | Kaspersky Parental Control Settings File |
.PRF | FileNet eForms Form Preferences File |
.PRF | Outlook Profile File |
.PRF | ClarisWorks Preference File |
.PRF | Director Preferences File |
.PRF | QuarkXPress Preferences File |
.SLT | Mozilla User Profile Folder |
.PEN | Paint Shop Pro Pen Preset File |
.WLVS | Windows Movie Maker Video Settings File |
.PRA | Windows Media 9 Plug-in Profile File |
.JKM | JAWS Key Map File |
.WMZ | Compressed Windows Media Player Skin |
.WME | Windows Media Encoder Session File |
.PAK | Skype Language Settings Package |
.CMMTHEME | CleanMyMac Theme File |
.PROFIMAIL | ProfiMail Settings File |
.VUE | FoxPro 2.x View Settings |
.SW2 | Softwrap License File |
.NTC | Camera Control Pro Custom Curves File |
.NPS | Natron Node Presets File |
.XTODVD | ConvertXtoDVD Project File |
.NTS | Lotus Notes Traveler Server Config File |
.NL | Natron Layout File |
.WC | Valve Hammer Configuration File |
.KUIP | Kingsoft Office Personalization File |
.OIF | Origin Import Filter File |
.OFP | Origin Function Plot Theme File |
.SKN | Avant Browser Skin File |
.EFTX | Office 2007 Theme Effect File |
.QVPP | QlikView Extension Properties Page File |
.SEESTYLE | Coda Style Sheet File |
.OTH | Origin Graph Theme File |
.ONETOC | Microsoft OneNote Table of Contents File |
.JAP | jAlbum Project Settings File |
.JSF | Project64 Joystick File |
.WCZ | Chameleon Clock Wallpaper File |
.XMS | Music Studio Project |
.PREF | Macintosh Preferences File |
.PREF | Preferences File |
.OPT | Options File |
.EXPORTEDUI | Microsoft Office Exported UI Customization File |
.OCE | Open Catalog Extension Connection File |
.STF | Microsoft Setup Table File |
.MST | Windows Installer Setup Transform File |
.ITT | IconTweaker Theme File |
.MCW | Monitor Calibration Wizard File |
.OPS | Office Profile Settings File |
.PIP | Office Personalized Settings File |
.PIE | GlovePIE Controller Script |
.MAKE | Drush Makefile |
.ALX | BlackBerry Application Loader XML File |
.PBS | PaintShop Pro Brush Strokes |
.MAILHOST | MSN Mailhost Settings File |
.MPW | Microsoft Project Workspace File |
.NGRR | Guitar Rig Preset |
.MSF | Miranda IM Skin File |
.NPT | NetPoint Schedule File |
.DSC | Kingsoft Design Science Equation File |
.ARG | AutoCAD Profile |
.APPLICATION | ClickOnce Deployment Manifest File |
.Q5Q | SuperBladePro Presets File |
.A7P | Authorware 7 Project |
.AIU | Advanced Installer Updates Configuration File |
.MATERIAL | Rigs of Rods Texture Reference File |
.SSL2 | Sunlight ScanLibrary 2 File |
.FD | LaTeX Font Definition File |
.IDF | MIDI Instrument Definition File |
.XCT | XVI32 Character Conversion Table File |
.PFS | PhotoFiltre Studio Saved Selection File |
.MGK | ImageMagick Configuration File |
.NSX | AppStudio Project |
.AXP | CDBurnerXP Audio Compilation File |
.IPCC | iPhone Carrier Bundle |
.XCCOLORTHEME | Xcode Color Theme File |
.PRST | Adobe InDesign Printer Presets File |
.SSL | Sunlight ScanLibrary File |
.RPROJ | R Project |
.VCW | eMbedded Visual C++ Workspace File |
.VMCX | Virtual Machine Shell Information File |
.AGTEMPLATE | Adobe Lightroom Template |
.ANIMEEXPORT | Anime Studio Export Profile Document |
.ACO | Adobe Photoshop Color Swatch File |
.BRUSHVARIANT | Painter Brush Variant File |
.SDLTPL | SDL Trados Studio Project Template |
.ZPF | Form•Z Preferences File |
.WORK | Bibble Work Queue File |
.GPS | GenePix Settings File |
.CUIX | AutoCAD Custom User Interface File |
.CROP | Crick Software Options File |
.CTB | AutoCAD Color-Based Plot Style File |
.CBOARD | Final Cut Pro Color Board Preset |
.SXCU | ShareX Custom Uploader |
.NPFX | Norton Internet Security Firewall Settings File |
.TVTEMPLATE | mimoLive Template |
.NCFG | ArcGIS Explorer Configuration File |
.WMS | Windows Media Skin |
.SBS | Substance Package |
.XDR | XML-Data Reduced File |
.TPF | SPSS Text Wizard Document |
.FRAMES | xScope Frames File |
.SSS | Coda Style Sheet File |
.VMAC | VMware Configuration File |
.PXLS | Pixelmator Style File |
.CPDX | Adobe Captivate Storyboard Project |
.INF | Setup Information File |
.RDP | Remote Desktop Configuration File |
.RLL | Microsoft Resource Library |
.PAL | Painter Custom Palettes File |
.FETCHMIRROR | Fetch Mirror Document |
.VSPROPS | Visual Studio Project Property File |
.TYPEIT4ME | TypeIt4Me Clippings File |
.ICA | Citrix ICA File |
.SCACFG | SuperCard Application Configuration File |
.MXFR | Mandelbrot Explorer Fractal Region File |
.RESMONCFG | Resource Monitor Configuration File |
.GRD | Photoshop Gradient File |
.XLB | Excel Toolbars File |
.MASK | SpeedGrade Color Mask File |
.USER | Visual Studio Project User Options File |
.ASE | Adobe Swatch Exchange File |
.RULESET | Visual Studio Code Analysis Rule Set File |
.MMDC | MediaMonkey Device Configuration File |
.MOHOSTYLE | Moho Style Document |
.MXCS | Mandelbrot Explorer Color Scheme File |
.SEQU | Adobe Acrobat Sequence File |
.STSKIN | Steam Skin File |
.RWSTYLE | RapidWeaver Style File |
.PROPS | Visual Studio Project Property File |
.MSW | Painter Color Mixer Swatches File |
.PERFMONCFG | Performance Monitor Configuration File |
.STORYISTTHEME | Storyist Application Theme File |
.TPARK | ThemePark Project File |
.RNX | RealPlayer Settings File |
.SPP | Substance Painter Project |
.MOHOEXPORT | Moho Export Profile Document |
.ZVT | Photoshop Zoomify Preset File |
.STE | Dreamweaver Site Settings File |
.PIO | Pro Tools I/O Settings File |
.CWY | ChordWizard Style |
.PXS | Pixelmator Shape File |
.MOHOACTION | Moho Action Document |
.PDLCP | PhotoDirector Lens Profile File |
.CYBERDUCKPROFILE | Cyberduck Connection Profile |
.SKIN | ASP.NET Skin File |
.DUCK | Cyberduck Bookmark |
.MOGRT | Adobe Motion Graphics Template |
.PTP | Pro Tools Preferences File |
.PVS | Parallels Desktop Configuration File |
.STARTUPINFO | E-Prime 2.0 Startup Info File |
.SOL | Flash Local Shared Object File |
.PRFPSET | Premiere Pro Effect Preset File |
.COS | Capture One Settings File |
.PC3 | AutoCAD Plotter Configuration File |
.PXB | Pixelmator Brush File |
.EMM | MindMaple Map |
.OTZ | OpenLP Theme File |
.PXIP | Pixelmator Image Preset |
.ONETOC2 | Microsoft OneNote Table of Contents File |
.OLK14PREF | Outlook Preferences File |
.MST | Corel Presentations Master Template File |
.MCL | Windows Media Center Link File |
.ENS | EndNote Style File |
.COSTYLE | Capture One Style File |
.EWPRJ | Ultiboard Layout Project |
.NJI | Nero Job Information File |
.STT | SPSS Table Template |
.P3E | Photoshop Repousse Settings File |
.MXS | Painter Color Mixer Pad File |
.SPJ | SPSS Production Job File |
.ANIMESTYLE | Anime Studio Style Document |
.MGTHEME | MacGourmet Theme File |
.BIN | BlackBerry IT Policy File |
.STY | Aegisub Subtitle Styles File |
.OTP | Origin Graph Template |
.VPH | VirtualPhotographer Custom Settings |
.SETTINGS | Visual Studio Settings File |
.WORKSPACE | Adobe Bridge Workspace File |
.RES | Valve Resource File |
.ASW | ACDSee Slideshow Wizard File |
.TRX | PASSOLO Translation List File |
.S2QL | StarCraft 2 Unit Localization File |
.KDS | KD Player Skin File |
.SRS | Outlook Send/Receive Settings File |
.VLT | VLC Media Player Skin File |
.A7L | Authorware 7 Library |
.SKN | Symbian OS Skin File |
.ND | QuickBooks Network Data File |
.Q2D | Quick 3D Cover Design File |
.MGM | MGCSoft Equation Illustrator Macro |
.MSM | Windows Installer Merge Module |
.NWV | Dragon NaturallySpeaking User Archive |
.STC | Siemens Theme File |
.PMJ | Pegasus Mail Configuration File |
.IIP | ThinAnywhere Configuration File |
.IIP | Install Creator Pro Project File |
.MDS | TestComplete Project File |
.PML | Pyre Properties File |
.PBP | PulseBoy Project |
.IKMP | IK Multimedia Preset FIle |
.JOY | CryENGINE Facial Editor Joystick File |
.QF | Nokia Maps Version File |
.P7E | EQStitch 7 Project |
.PJS | TestComplete Project Suite File |
.IHW | IN-HEH Timeline Workspace |
.JWS | Java Workspace Settings File |
.H2P | Zebra2 Preset |
.ICURSORFX | iCursor Effect File |
.IPF | PCAN-Explorer Panel File |
.RAD | Citrix Rapid Application Delivery File |
.SCH | Strater Scheme File |
.REG | Registration Information File |
.IGR | Quest3D Channel Group Layout File |
.KYB | Keyboard Layout |
.ATH | Alienware AlienFX Theme File |
.AUX | LaTeX Auxiliary File |
.HME | Windows Mobile Theme File |
.PTF | PSP Theme File |
.INJB | InDesign Job Bag File |
.IIT | Install Creator Project File |
.PRX | Windows Media Profile File |
.HT | HyperTerminal Session File |
.3DZ | Easy 3D Creator Project |
.SBV | YouTube Captions File |
.HOW2 | Visma Performit Player Configuration File |
.RRR | Rhapzodé Resource Repository |
.RML | FTG Configuration File |
.RCF | SonicWALL VPN Configuration File |
.ISP | IIS Internet Service Provider Settings |
.P2M | PhotoWorks Appearance File |
.FCC | Forms Credential Collector File |
.ISS | Inno Setup Script |
.UDCX | Universal Data Connection File |
.KEY | Keyboard Definition File |
.PROPDESC | Property Description |
.QTP | QuickTime Preferences File |
.S2QH | StarCraft 2 Localization Header File |
.ODC | Office Data Connection File |
.FRC | Mandelbrot Explorer Color Settings File |
.UPF | MicroStation User Preferences File |
.FE_LAUNCH | FCS Express Launch File |
.FNC | Frogans Player Network Certificate |
.ATF | Photoshop Transfer Function File |
.SETTINGCONTENT-MS | Windows Settings File |
.FM3 | Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet Format File |
.FTPQUOTA | Ftpquota File |
.LSPROJ | Lens Studio Project |
.CLG | Windows Catalog File |
.DRM | Cubase Drum Map File |
.POLICY | Java Policy Implementation File |
.FTP | FlashFXP XML File |
.ZAP | Zero Administration Package File |
.HID | Sony Ericsson Remote Settings File |
.FWT | FacetWin Configuration File |
.TFX | Pro Tools Eleven Rack Plugin Preset File |
.TIM | Vixen Timed Sequence File |
.CPX | Oracle ADF Binding Context File |
.COLOURSCHEME | Speedy Browser Colour Scheme File |
.CHA | Photoshop Channel Mixture |
.CTF | PSP Custom Theme File |
.CSPLAN | SPSS Sampling Plan File |
.PMSETTINGS | PowerMate Settings File |
.CASE | SlipCover Case Template |
.CYBERDUCKLICENSE | Cyberduck Donation Key |
.CWF | CorelDRAW Workspace File |
.CSF | Adobe Color Settings File |
.IX | dtSearch Index File |
.CENON | Cenon Project |
.CHL | WinFast PVR2 Channel List |
.FAN | Finale Font Annotation File |
.PSP | Photoshop Preferences File |
.DFT | eJuice Me Up Default Settings File |
.DS_STORE | Mac OS X Folder Settings File |
.ELM | Office Theme File |
.FLST | Adobe InDesign Flattener Presets File |
.EV3 | Everlock Options File |
.ENZ | EndNote Connection File |
.PMP | AutoCAD Plot Model Parameter File |
.MTF | Motorola Theme File |
.THEME | Comodo Theme File |
.THEME | GTK Theme Index File |
.PGP | AutoCAD Program Parameters File |
.GVIMRC | GVim Runtime Configuration File |
.EQF | Winamp Equalizer Preset File |
.VMT | VMware Configuration File |
.XEP | eManager File Packaging Information |
.VMX | Cubase Mixer Settings File |
.ENP | EndNote Preferences File |
.OTW | Origin Workbook Template |
.DOK | DesktopOK Icons Layout File |
.ACF | Adobe Photoshop Custom Filter File |
.VNC | VNC Configuration File |
.T3D | TicTacTi Advertisement Definition File |
.EXP | SonicWALL Preference File |
.M2S | Maxthon 2 Browser Skin File |
.AVS | Avid Project Preferences File |
.AVS | AVS Preset File |
.AVS | Adobe Photoshop Variations File |
.DSD | AutoCAD Drawing Set Description File |
.ETFF | Encrypt4all Theme File |
.ALL | Java RMI Policy File |
.EHI | HTTP Injector Config File |
.EXAMPLE | Example Configuration File |
.ARL | AOL Organizer File |
.AHU | Adobe Photoshop HSL File |
.GROWLTICKET | Growl Notification File |
.PHB | PhtotoBase Album File |
.AVE | Avid User File |
.CHX | AutoCAD Standards Check File |
.XET | eManager Process Definition |
.ASP | Adobe Color Separation Setup File |
.GPS | GOM Player Skin File |
.SCPCFG | SuperCard Project Configuration File |
.VPS | Virtual CD Copy Template |
.ACW | Windows Accessibility Wizard File |
.AOIS | CFS Console Add-on Installer Settings File |
.CLR | CryptLoad Router Information File |
.AIP | Advanced Installer Project |
.ATC | AutoCAD Tool Catalog File |
.GWS | GeoMedia GeoWorkspace File |
.ASK | Ableton Live Skin File |
.MAL | MadAppLauncher Configuration File |
.MMP | Symbian Project Specification File |
.APPREF-MS | Microsoft Application Reference File |
.ATN | Photoshop Actions File |
.FLW | Fusion Flow File |
.ACS2 | AIMP Skin File |
.AEA | Ae Timer Alarm Document |
.SRF | Steinberg Resource File |
.MSKN | MediaMonkey Skin File |
.VBX6SETTINGS | VirusBarrier X6 Settings File |
.BSXC | BimSens Component Configuration File |
.ARS | After Effects Render Settings File |
.AIA | Adobe Illustrator Action File |
.BXX | BS Contact Parameter File |
.PRM | Parameter File |
.TVC | Turbo View & Convert Batch Presets File |
.ANTISPAM5 | Personal AntiSpam Settings File |
.TLO | SPSS TableLooks File |
.S2ML | StarCraft 2 Map Localization File |
.IMMODULES | GTK+ Module File |
.ENV | Vue Environment File |
.MOF | Managed Object Format File |
.FAT | Zinf Theme File |
.DUN | Dial Up Network File |
.SIF | Windows Setup Information File |
.AHL | eMule Metadata File |
.AWCAV | ActiveWorlds Custom Avatar File |
.A7D | Authorware 7 Model |
.AWS | AutoCAD Work Space File |
.ATZ | Aston Compiled Theme |
.IKF | INTUS Keyboard File |
.AOM | After Effects Output Module |
.AHS | Adobe Halftone Screen File |
.ADPP | Adobe Device Profile Package |
.TLL | LG TV Link-Loader File |
.ACT | Adobe Color Table File |
.A2M | TS-AudioToMIDI Settings File |
.CMP | Windows Connection Manager Profile |
.BCMX | Business Contact Manager Customization |
.BCS | Batch Compiler Specification File |
.PLS | PicoLog Settings File |
.PQ | Picturesque Preset |
.BCP | BlackMagic Custom Palette |
.SECURITYSETTINGS | Alpha Five Security Settings File |
.TSZ | Trillian Skin File |
.MULIB | Muse Library File |
.PAPERS | Painter Paper Texture File |
.MOTI | Apple Motion Title Project Template |
.DVTCOLORTHEME | Xcode Color Theme File |
.CIS | CheckInbox Settings File |
.8ST | 8start Launcher File |
.PSC1 | Windows PowerShell Console File |
.INI | Windows Initialization File |
.BS7 | Windows 7 Boot Updater Skin |
.BOOT | InstallShield Boot File |
.THMX | Office 2007 Theme File |
.DPS | DivX Player 2 Skin File |
.ACELIVE | Acelive Broadcast File |
.BLOB | Valve Steam Archive |
.CLR | Vue Color Maps File |
.AMS | Adobe Monitor Setup File |
.SSCS | Saropa Smart Copy Script |
.SED | IExpress Self Extraction Directive File |
.HDT | Photoshop HDR Toning Preset File |
.DSW | Visual C++ 6 Workspace File |
.ADO | Adobe Photoshop Duotone Options File |
.BLT | AIM Buddy List |
.TWC | TTWin Configuration File |
.MIND | MindMeister Map File |
.PMC | Performance Monitor Counter File |
.SIF | Synfig Studio Project |
.SET | Document Library Property Set File |
.SET | Settings File |
.TSI | Traktor Settings File |
.CPF | Cab Provisioning Format File |
.GDIAGRAMSTYLE | OmniGraffle Diagram Style File |
.EUM | Enterprise User Monitor Configuration File |
.EQL | MathType Settings |
.CPG | ESRI Code Page File |
.INI | Symbian OS Configuration File |
.MNU | Adobe Photoshop Menu Customization File |
.CUI | Autodesk Custom Workspace File |
.CFG | LightWave Configuration File |
.XEV | eManager Auto-Update File |
.FEV | FLAMES Environment Variable File |
.CDP | Sony CD Architect Project |
.PPV | Pocket PowerPoint Presentation |
.QDF | Quadro Design File |
.ISS | InstallShield Silent Response File |
.DBG | Visual FoxPro Debugger Configuration File |
.DXLS | DashXL Skin Set File |
.DICPROOF | Microsoft Dictionary Proofing File |
.DEFT | Juice Grinder Defaults File |
.DOLPHINVIEW | Dolphin Folder View Settings File |
.NDC | Personal Communications Settings File |
.BRG | ProjectWise User Settings File |
.MSN | Host Blocking File |
.DINFO | DivX Temporary Video Info File |
.DPV | Siemens NX Drafting Standard File |
.GIN | GEMS Engine Control Unit File |
.TPL | TatukGIS Editor Print Template File |
.GTKRC | GTK+ Theme File |
.VMXF | VMware Team Member File |
.DAR | DVD Architect Project |
.WPP | WordPerfect Color Palette |
.DCST | Adobe InDesign Document Presets File |
.SKI | Motorola Phone Skin File |
.DDF | Diamond Directive File |
.IDDX | Static Default File |
.FMOD | Adobe Illustrator Flattening Module |
.DXP | Dexpot Profile File |
.FMT | FoxPro Format File |
.INS | Internet Settings File |
.SMT | Samsung Theme File |
.GTP | GNOME Theme Package File |
.QVT | QlikView Theme File |
.GID | Windows Help Global Index File |
.BAU | Apache OpenOffice AutoText File |
.WFW | Windows Firewall Policy File |
.STYLE | SketchUp Style |
.VSTPRESET | VST Preset File |
.CEX | SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Vault Export File |
.NVC | Nikon Vignette Correction File |
.CON | COW System Settings File |
.TST | TagScanner Text Transform Script |
.PRS | Batch & Print Pro Printer Settings File |
.CMATE | ControllerMate File |
.CAMP | WCS Color Appearance Model Profile File |
.COPRESET | Capture One Preset File |
.SKZ | SuperKaramba Theme |
.FT | Edgecam Feature Template |
.CPR | Adobe Captivate Preferences File |
.ITI | InterActual Skin File |
.DIRECTORY | KDE Folder View Properties File |
.FFX | After Effects Preset File |
.CONTROLS | OpenBVE Keyboard Shortcuts File |
.OTM | Origin Matrix Template |
.CFG | Citrix Server Connection File |
.CFG | Celestia Configuration File |
.CFG | MAME Configuration File |
.ECFG | ArcGIS Component Configuration File |
.CLKP | Clicker Object Palette File |
.CGR | Quest3D Channel Group File |
.OBT | Openbox Theme File |
.STB | AutoCAD Plot Style Table File |
.VBOX | Oracle VM VirtualBox Settings File |
.ICD | Installable Client Driver File |
.MNU | TomTom Menu File |
.RPS | 3ds Max Render Preset Settings |
.PWS | Painter Workspace File |
.CXP | FMAT Assay File |
.SPF | Slingplayer Favorites File |
.KBD | 3ds Max Keyboard Shortcuts File |
.INI | Gravis UltraSound Bank Setup File |
.DBB | Skype User Information File |
.CTBODYFITTING | CrazyTalk Animator Actor Fitting File |
.ASWS | Avast! Skin File |
.3DL | 3D Lookup Table File |
.TGW | Terragen World File |
.DOWNLOADHOST | MSN Download Settings File |
.TSK | Pocket PC Skin |
.CSG | CounterSketch Design Project |
.PH | AOL Phone Home Settings File |
.ARP | Advanced RAR Password Recovery Setup |
.ASEF | Adobe Swatch Exchange File |
.AIP | Actual Installer Project |
.VMTM | VMware Team Data File |
.AGG | AggFlow 6 Project |
.DSX | DAZ Studio XML File |
.ASV | Adobe Photoshop Selective Color File |
.BCS | Boland Calibration Settings File |
.BCP | Batch Compiler Preset File |
.PROFILE | Citrix Application Profile |
.AMGP | antimicro Profile File |
.ABS | Avant Browser Skin File |
.ABS | TurboZIP Auto Compress Script |
.EQP | MathType Preferences |